Born in Ankara in 1971.
Graduated from TED Ankara College (1989) and Ankara Faculty
of Political Sciences Department of Business Administration (1993).
Started his career in a family company that was involved in construction.
In 1996, he entered professional life and worked as a
product sales manager at The Document Company Xerox.
Starting his career as a “Certified Partner” program manager
in Microsoft Turkey in 2000, Erpolat simultaneously served as MS Turkey education
channel manager and MS ISV manager.
In 2003, he worked as a direct sales manager at Avea (Aria)
Telekomünikasyon Hizmetleri A.Ş. In the following years, he took on the
responsibility of establishing and expanding the corporate dealer network of
the Avea brand throughout Turkey as the SME sales department manager.
In 2011, he became one of the two founding partners of
GRENKE Leasing, one of Germany's leading SME technology leasing companies.
He served as (NYSE: BABA) Turkey, Germany and UK
Country Manager between 2013-2021.
He continues his business life with the initiatives he
founded in 2021 and beyond. Finally, he serves as a board member responsible
for growth and marketing at Champs CX.
Erpolat, who has more than 30 years of experience in sales
(direct sales, channel sales, projects), business development and marketing in
the IT & telecommunications sectors, continues to share his knowledge and
experience in meetings and conferences where he is invited, as well as his
professional career.